Mystery Box
The Mystery Box can be opened every day for KOR Score. The amount received is randomized, but most importantly, as you move up in tiers, the amount you receive increases.
The box contains a timer to show when you can next open it. Once the timer counts down to 0, the Box unlocks and can be opened with a simple tap.
How do you level up your tier? Opening the box on consecutive days increases your level and pushes you towards the next tier. Once you’re on a new tier, your KOR Score reward will be greater.
Your tier is labeled on the progress bar located with your Mystery Box
If you stay away too long, you'll drop down a tier. So don't risk it - come back regularly and open the Box to maintain your level and collect more KOR Score.
Depending on your tier, your KOR Score reward will range from 1-50. However, every day there is also a chance you hit the SUPER SCORE of 500. Keep coming back every day to open your box and SCORE!